Bunions and corn are conditions that cause significant discomfort and affect the appearance of the feet. Worse, they make it difficult to carry out activities involving the legs without feeling pain. 

It’s important to note that bunions differ from corn as they are two unique conditions. However, a person can experience both bunions and corn. In fact, some of the leading causes of bunions are similar to what leads to corn. 

This article will provide details regarding bunions and corns. It will also explore the treatment/management options that a podiatrist in Salt Lake City can offer.

Understanding Bunions and Corns

A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe, causing it to deviate towards the other toes. This misalignment leads to friction, inflammation, and pain. Genetics, improper footwear, foot injuries, and certain medical conditions can contribute to the development of this bump.

Individuals with bunions may experience swelling, redness, tenderness, and difficulty wearing shoes comfortably. 

On the other hand, corns are areas of thickened skin that develop on the feet due to repetitive friction. They typically form on the toes or soles and present as hardened, raised bumps. Like bunions, ill-fitting shoes and structural foot abnormalities can trigger corn formation. Other causes are excessive walking or running.

Corns can be painful, especially when applied pressure, causing discomfort and making walking difficult.

Consulting a Podiatrist in Salt Lake City for Guidance

Contacting a podiatrist in Salt Lake City is essential for managing and treating bunions and corns. These experts offer a range of treatment options to manage bunions and corns effectively, including:

  • Footwear Modification

Recommending proper footwear that provides adequate support and reduces pressure on the affected areas is crucial. As such, podiatrists may suggest custom orthotic inserts to alleviate discomfort and prevent worsening of the condition.

  • Padding or Splinting

Using padding or splints can help redistribute pressure away from the affected areas. This provides relief from pain and reduces friction that exacerbates bunions and corns.

  • Medication

A foot doctor in Salt Lake City may prescribe topical treatments or medications. This helps to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation associated with these foot conditions.

  • Surgical Intervention

In severe cases where conservative treatments fail to provide a solution, surgical intervention might be considered. A podiatrist can discuss surgical options, such as bunionectomy or corn removal. These surgeries correct the underlying structural issues causing discomfort.

Preventive Measures and Self-Care Tips

Aside from getting professional help, you can take proactive steps to manage and prevent the worsening of bunions and corns. Below are a few things you can do without involving a podiatrist in Salt Lake City:

  • Regular Foot Inspections

Checking feet regularly for any signs of corns or bunions can facilitate early detection and prompt intervention.

  • Foot Hygiene

Keeping feet clean, dry, and moisturized can prevent skin irritation and reduce the risk of corn formation.

  • Avoiding High Heels and Tight Shoes

Limiting high heels and narrow-toed shoes can minimize pressure on the toes, decreasing the likelihood of bunion development.


Seeking guidance from a foot doctor in Salt Lake City ensures proper diagnosis. It also allows for a tailored treatment plan, providing effective management. You can alleviate pain With professional guidance, personalized treatments, and proactive self-care measures. Furthermore, they can prevent the worsening of bunions/corns and improve your overall foot health and well-being.